Bunson Township was incorporated on Jan. 1, yr 1, and is preparing its government wide financial statements for the year ended Dec 31, yr 1. The governmental funds displayed a combined change in fund balance of $500,000 for that year and also had the following balances, data, or transactions:
- Capital outlay of $250,000 partially funded by a long term debt proceeds of $225,000
- Current year depreciation of $60,000 on a capital asset base of $1,200,000
- Principal payments (on debt) of $40,000
- Interest payments (on debt) through Oct. 1 of $30,000
- Principal payments of $10,000 incurred through Dec 31 but paid on Jan2
- Interest payments of $7500 incurred through Dec 31 but paid on Jan 2
- Sales tax revenues of $30,000 associated with Dec 31, yr 1, sales remitted to the State in Feb and paid to the Township in March
The government wide changes in net assets would be ??