
Government saw flood risk but not levee failure-case study

What about Katrina?
Read Case Study and "Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure."

Answer the following question:

a. Each question should be answered in an essay format of approximately 250-500 words. Ensure your paper answers the questions and uses concepts studied in the module and from both readings. Support your answers with personal experiences, current events, and references to the readings.Th assignment should follow the APA style format.

b. Please pay attention to the details of the assignment, and read and follow all the instructions please.

1. Managing the Public Sector

Read Chapter of Managing the Public Sector.

Electronic Resource

1. Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure

Read "Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure" to complete the Katrina Breakdown assignment.

e-Library Resource

1. Optional: A State's Duty to Prepare, Warn, and Mitigate Natural Disaster Damages
For additional information, the following is recommended: “A State's Duty to Prepare, Warn, and Mitigate Natural Disaster Damages,” by Frattaroli from Boston College International & Comparative Law Review (2014).
2. Optional: Differential Vulnerabilities: Environmental and Economic Inequality and Government Response to Unnatural Disasters
For additional information, the following is recommended:
“Differential Vulnerabilities: Environmental and Economic Inequality and Government Response to Unnatural Disasters,” by Bullard from Social Research (2008).
3. Optional: The Katrina Aftermath: A Failure of Federalism or Leadership?
For additional information, the following is recommended: "The Katrina Aftermath: A Failure of Federalism or Leadership?” by Mentzel from Public Administration Review (2006)

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