goodshape company has currently an ordinary share

Goodshape Company has currently, an ordinary share capital of Rs. 2.5 million, consisting of 25,000 shares of Rs. 100 each. The management is planning to raise another Rs. 2 million to finance major program of expansion through one of the four possible financing plans. The plans are:

i. Entirely through ordinary shares.

ii. Rs. 1 million through ordinary shares and Rs. 1 million through long-term borrowing at 8 percent interest per annum.

iii. Rs. 0.5 million through ordinary shares and Rs. 1.5 million through long-term borrowing at 9% interest per annum.

iv. Rs. 1 million through ordinary shares and Rs. 1 million through preference shares with 5 percent dividend.

The company's expected Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) will be Rs. 0.8 million.


Consider a corporate tax rate of 50%, determine the earnings per share (EPS) in each alternative and comment on the implications of financial leverage.

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Financial Management: goodshape company has currently an ordinary share
Reference No:- TGS0363112

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