
good governance to ensure implementation of


 Government is very sensitive to the expectation of the people and sincere efforts in this direction have already been initiated. Good governance is an overarching component of the agenda of Government which has taken measures to make administration accountable, responsive and transparent through: (a) citizen charters to signify the visible commitment for quality service and attention to grievance, (b) review of administrative laws and regulations for dismantling procedures and red tapism by repeal or amendment of outdated and obsolete laws, regulations and procedures that mystify, and confuse the people, (c) creating the environment to reap the benefits of IT by harnessing IT, (d) setting up of Information and FacilitationCounters, and (e) formulation of a Freedom of Information Bill. 

The Government has to become a learning organisation. It has to lead businessand industry in the emerging competitive world. The coming millennium isgoing to be one of information, science, technology, growth and competition.To face the emerging challenges, systemic thinking is essential. It is alsonecessary to involve the people as well as the employees in the effort througha shared vision. Personal mastery by individual should be encouraged. Forthis, change in the existing mental models in many areas are required. ThePresent culture of competition between individuals has to be replaced bycompetition between teams and organisations.  

The difficulties the Government is facing in implementing performancebudgeting, zero-based budgeting, control of deficit financing andimprovement of its image among its people, are mainly due to the lack ofinvolvement of employees in their work. Once the Government is able to drawupon their competence and commitment, these will become easier and moreeffective. For making the Government a learning organisation, employees'commitment and involvement are very essential. The depends effectiveness ofthe nation to tackle the challenges of the future. 

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Microeconomics: good governance to ensure implementation of
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