Going Concern Considerations - Audit Process
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements knows the going related assumption as one of the fundamental assumptions that underlie the periodic financial statements of enterprises. The meaning of going related can be said to be such the financial statements assume which the enterprise will continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, or place another way the financial statements assume no intention or requirement to liquidate or curtail considerably the scale of operation or place more easy that the enterprise can meet its financial obligations like they fall due. The going related idea is very fine established in accounting and there is an authoritative document, ISA 570 Going related. The student is recommendation to read it in detail. The points to note still are:
i. The significance of the principle
ii. The auditor's responsibility
iii. Showing of the inapplicability of the principle
iv. Counter shows
v. Audit process
vi. The impact on audit reports in exercise.