
Goal of this project is to get you familiar with

Project - OCaml basics


The goal of this project is to get you familiar with programming in OCaml. You will have to write a number of small functions, each of whose specification is given below. In our reference solution, each function's implementation is typically 3-6 lines of code; in a couple of cases you will want to write a helper function which will add another 3-6 lines.

Part A: Simple functions

Write the following functions:



Return value


mult_of_five x

int -> bool

true if x is a multiple of 5 
false otherwise

mult_of_five 5 = true 
mult_of_five 1 = false

sum_upto_three ls

int list -> int

the sum of the list's elements up to the first three

sum_upto_three [1] = 1 
sum_upto_three [1;2;3] = 6 
sum_upto_three [1;2;3;4;5] = 6


int list -> int

the second element of the list 
-1 if the list has 0 or 1 elements

caddr_int [1;2;3] = 2 
caddr_int [1] = -1

Part B: Simple Curried Functions

A curried function is one that takes multiple arguments "one at a time". For example, the following function sub takes two arguments and computes their difference:

let sub x y = x - y

The type of this function is int -> int -> int. Technically, this says that sub is a function that takes an int and returns a function that takes another int and finally returns the answer, also an int. In other words, we could write

sub 2 1

and this will produce the answer 1. But we could also do something like this:

let f = sub 2 in

f 1

and this will also produce 1. Notice how we call sub with only one argument, so it returns a function f that takes the second argument. In general, you can think of a function f of the type

t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> ... -> tn

as a function that takes n-1 arguments of types t1, t2, t3, ..., tn-1 and produces a result of type tn. Such functions are written with OCaml syntax

let f a1 a2 a3 ... = body

where a1 has type t1, a2 has type t2, etc.

Implement the following simple, curried functions:



Return value


mult_of_n x y

int -> int -> bool

whether x is a multiple of y

mult_of_n 5 5 = true 
mult_of_n 2 3 = false

triple_it x y z

'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a*'b*'c

a tuple containing the three arguments, in order

triple_it 5 5 5 = (5,5,5) 
triple_it "hello" "b" "a" = ("hello","b","a")

maxpair (x,y) (m,n)

'a*'b -> 'a*'b -> 'a*'b

(x,y) if it is larger than (m,n), according to lexicographic ordering 
(m,n) otherwise (see note about comparison functions below)

maxpair (1,2) (3,4) = (3,4) 
maxpair (1,2) (1,3) = (1,3)

The OCaml comparison functions (=,<=,>=,<, and >) are polymorphic, so you can give them any two arguments of the same type.

Part C: Recursive Functions

The rest of the project asks that you implement a number of recursive functions, many of which compute on lists.



Return value


prod l

int list -> int

the product of all elements in l 
1 if l is empty

prod [5;6] = 30 
prod [0;5;3] = 0

unzip l

('a*'b) list -> ('a list)*('b list)

a pair of lists consisting of the all first and second elements, respectively, of the pairs in l

unzip [(1,2);(3,4)] = ([1;3],[2;4]) 
unzip [(3,7);(4,5);(6,9)] = ([3;4;6],[7;5;9])

maxpairall l

(int*int) list -> int*int

the largest pair in input list l, according to lexicographic ordering 
(0,0) if l is empty

maxpairall [(1,2);(3,4)] = (3,4) 
maxpairall [(1,2);(1,3);(0,0)] = (1,3)

addTail l x

'a list -> 'a -> 'a list

a new list where x is appended to the end of l

addTail [1;2] 3 = [1;2;3]

get_val x n

int list -> int -> int

element of list x at index n (indexes start at 0) 
-1 if n is outside the bounds of the list

get_val [5;6;7;3] 1 = 6 
get_val [5;6;7;3] 4 = -1

get_vals x y

int list -> int list -> int list

list of elements of list x at indexes in list y, 
-1 for any indexes in y are outside the bounds of x (as with get_vals) 
elements must be returned in order listed in y

get_vals [5;6;7;3] [2;0] = [7;5] 
get_vals [5;6;7;3] [2;4] = [7;-1]

list_swap_val b u v

'a list -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a list

list b with values u,v swapped 
change value of multiple occurrences of u and/or v, if found 
change value for u even if v not found in list, and vice versa

list_swap_val [5;6;7;3] 7 5 = [7;6;5;3] 
list_swap_val [5;6;3] 7 5 = [7;6;3]

index x v

'a list -> 'a -> int

index of rightmost occurrence of value v in list x 
(indexes start at 0)
-1 if not found

index [1;2;2] 1 = 0 
index [1;2;2;3] 2 = 2 
index [1;2;3] 5 = -1

distinct l

'a list -> 'a list

a new list that contains the distinct elements of l, in the same order they appear in l

distinct [1;2;2] = [1;2] 
distinct [2;1;2;2;3] = [2;1;3]

find_new x y

'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list

list of members of list x not found in list y 
maintain relative order of elements in result

find_new [4;3;7] [5;6;5;3] = [4;7] 
find_new [5;6;5;3] [4;3;7] = [5;6;5]

is_sorted x

'a list -> bool

true if elements in x are in sorted order, false otherwise 
return true for []

is_sorted [5;5;7;9] = true 
is_sorted [9;7;5] = false

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