
Go to youtube and watch the 6 minute opening scene from the

Question - For all the video discussions, you might want to take notes as you watch. Read the prompt before you watch the video, so that you know what to look for.

Go to YouTube and watch the 6 minute opening scene from the HBO series "The Newsroom" - Why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore, where journalist Jeff Daniels responds to professors at a university regarding America.

All discussion posts must be written in academic third person voice. That means no first or second person pronouns. Follow all formal writing rules! Watch the video and really think about the statistics you hear and what Daniels says. Summarize it briefly but analyze and evaluate thoroughly. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?  

You might want to include outside research if you are interested in supporting your opinions elsewhere. After writing a primary post of at least 250 words of direct commentary about the video, reply to at least two other student posts. Each reply commentary must contain at least 100 substantive words. Remember to directly reply to the content, not your peer.

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Dissertation: Go to youtube and watch the 6 minute opening scene from the
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