Go to the ku online library and select either a

Developmental Research Methods

There are a number of research designs that are used in developmental research. As discussed in your textbook, longitudinal and cross-sectional research is used to assess developmental change and to explore developmental topics and changes over time.

Go to the KU Online Library and select either a longitudinal or cross-sectional research article. What is the research question, and how did the researcher(s) attempt to answer this research question? Prior to discussing the steps involved, be sure to name the research method, which should be eitherlongitudinal or cross sectional. Finally, use caution when directly quoting from the article, ensure that you are summarizing using your own words.

Based on the information in your text, what ethical issues should you consider when conducting a research study with children? Identify at least two ethical issues described in your text.

Think about what you would like to learn about developmental change; then create your own research question that would require using either a longitudinal or cross-sectional methodology.

Note: This is a Course Level Assessment Assignment.

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