
Go to the federal deposit insurance corporation website at


  • Save your file as lastname_firstname_excel3.xlsx
  • Upload your file in .xls or .xlsx format to the Canvas dropbox.
  • See syllabus regarding policy for technical difficulties.

Go to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Website at fdic.gov and find the latest balance sheet information available for commercial banks. To do this complete the following steps:

1. Click on Industry Analysis.

2. Click Bank Data and Statistics (don't use the arrows to navigate)

3. Click Statistics on Depository Institutions (SDI)

4. This will take you to the page titled "Create or Modify Comparison Reports."

5. Run a report with the following criteria in both columns:

  • Type of Report: Dollars/Percent of Assets
  • # of columns: 2
  • Standard Peer Group
  • All Institutions
  • National
  • Report Date: March 31, 2010 in Left column and use March 31, 2016

6. Click "Next"

7. Click "Next" again on the next page leaving Income Basis as YTD and Report as Assets and Liabilities

8. Once the report is generated click "Save to Excel File".  Excel will warn you about a problem with the format, but just accept it.

9. Do the following to this report now that you have it in Excel:

  • Calculate the percentage change in total assets for the commercial bank industry since 2010 (round your answer to two decimal places and format as a percent).
  • Calculate the percent of investment securities to total assets, loans to total assets, deposits to total assets, and equity to total assets for 2010 and 2014.(round your answer to two decimal places and format as a percent).
  • Calculate the change in these ratios between 2010 and 2014 (round your answer to two decimal places and format as a percent). *Note: I have already asked you to format these as percentages, so the change is only the difference (do not use a percent change formula here).
  • Insert a textbox to comment on the change. Use terminology and concepts from class in your discussion. Simply stating that there was, or was not a change is not sufficient. You need to tell me why you think there was or was not a change. What have we learned about commercial bank operations, regulations, monetary policy and the impact of economic conditions on these institutions in class? How can you relate that to what you see here?
  • Label the columns for each result and make sure that the relevant cells contain formulas and that your values are properly formatted.
  • Use bold font formatting and a thick box border for the rows that contain the values for these calculations so they are easy to see (highlight the row with your values and click the borders tool à thick box border).
  • Overall format and presentation count towards your grade, so make it clear and easy to read! Proofread for spelling errors, check for proper labels on your columns and that your columns are wide enough for all text to be visible.

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Business Management: Go to the federal deposit insurance corporation website at
Reference No:- TGS01461766

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