Question: Go to and choose "Data by Country" (you may need to change 2006 to 2007, etc. in the URL). Choose an LDC that interests you, or which you are assigned, from the drop-down menu and click on "Data."
a. Then go to category 16 and make a table showing primary exports (as percentage of merchandise exports) for the two years in the table; manufacturing exports (as percentage of merchandise exports) for the two years in the table; and high technology exports (as percentage of manufactured exports) for the two years in the table.
b. List the terms of trade for the year in the table; what is the base year?
c. What story does this data tell you about the particular stage of industrialization your country might be in using Table 10.1 as a guide to the stages? Explain what it is about the data you collected in parts a and b that makes you think your country is in the stage of industrialization you have identified.