1. Johan Norberg provides a very optimistic picture of globalization in his documentary "Globalization is Good", What important points does he make about the process? Draw on his case study countries to illustrate your answer. If globalization is such a good thing, then why don't poor countries simply globalize by opening their import and capital markets and enjoy economic development?
2. What are the G8 and the G20? Why do they exist and what good, if any do you think they might do to current and future economic globalization? In regard to the G8 how have recent geopolitical events in Europe highlighted both the strengths and weaknesses of the group? How might these events in Europe have an impact on the future progress of globalization?
3. The question of how globalization impacts on within-country income inequality remains controversial. it is clearer how globalization affects between-country inequality. how is this latter type of inequality measured? Discuss how the economic globalization process since 1980 is changing between-country inequality outcomes. use real world country examples to illustrate your answer.
4. Globalization is creating international business opportunities and risks at an unprecedented level. Since 1980 the international economic context for Australia as a nation has changed enormously. provide comments on how both opportunities and risks have developed for Australia in international trade and investment from 1980 to now through what we call Globalization.