Globalization and Innovation in China:
Those taking T13308/T13309 are required to write a 3,000-word research paper that will explore China’s competitiveness in a specific technology/industry. Technologies/industries include, but are not limited to, telecommunications, IT, gaming/animation, automobiles, high-speed rail transportation, green energy, and pharmaceuticals. The analysis of technology/industry should include:
• an industry/technology overview, including its growth pattern over the last ten years;
• an examination of the structure (upstream, downstream) as well as the geography (global location and strength in that location) of the industry/technology as that industry/technology has evolved;
• an analysis of polices/incentives put in place by PRC government in order to promote innovation;
• an analysis of the global competitiveness of the Chinese industry/technology under study (including advantages and disadvantages); and the role of foreign investment and foreign technology in that industry/technology.
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