
Global warming and minors and social networking

Assignment: Take a position and write an essay based on a topic we have discussed in class. Some topics are: Immigration, The Dream Act, Overpopulation, Bilingual Education, Outsourcing Jobs, Global Warming and Minors and social networking. You must stay within the topics we discussed, but you may choose either side of the argument. 

Research: Your research should include an examination of both sides of the issue. Make a claim and support your position with credible evidence from reputable sources. Present the opposition's best arguments and refute them with the weight of your research based on facts, statistics, expert testimony, and firsthand observation. 

Sources: Quote from a minimum  of three sources including books,scholarly journals, newspapers and periodicals. Only one source may be from a legitimate Internet site. Cite sparingly. Your essay should not be a collection of citings from other writer's, but an analysis of your own words. Introduce and cite sources using MLA format. Failure to acknowledge a source is plagiarism. 

Guidelines: Essays must be four to six pages not counting a separate Works Cited page. Use MLA documentation for in-text citations and follow the usual rules found on page 410 in The Everyday Writer. 

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Reference No:- TGS0548455

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