
Global project number - health policy advocacy

Assignment task:

Global Project Number: Health Policy Advocacy

Becoming involved in health policy advocacy is not only a right but also a responsibility.

Students will research and choose current health issues or problems that they feel are important to them or the health of the community. ??

Students will send a letter to their local House Representative or Senator about the health issue the students are interested.

Guidelines for Writing a Letter/Communicating with Legislators:

Be polite in tone and language

Identify yourself as a registered voter, constituent and a member of whatever organization in your opening sentence.

Immediately identify the topic you are writing about

Focus on one or two points

Make brief points

Describe the importance of the issue to you, your community, and nation.

Clearly state what you are asking the legislator to do (co-sponsor a particular bill, or vote for or against a measure, bill, etc).

Be informed.

Be familiar with the basic facts and points

Avoid too many details or scientific information, but have additional information available if requested

Verify your facts-your story maybe told again by the legislator.

Personalize your own story or that of a patient and explain the relevance to the issue at hand.

 Include relevant information from your district or state, and explain how the issue can affect the area.

Offer to be of assistance and serve as a resource

Thank the legislator.

Ask for a response.

Send the letter as an email to the legislator.

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Other Subject: Global project number - health policy advocacy
Reference No:- TGS03430846

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