
Global marketing


Write a report on the given topic.

  • The report has to cover a comprehensive review of the literature on the topic, as it relates to current international marketing issues facing businesses operating between countries.
  • The audience for this report should be an Australian organization. You will discuss the theory surrounding the issue and provide relevant, practical recommendations on how your organization should manage its exposure to the issue.
  • Read widely in the area, exploring theory and current best practice.
  • The emphasis will be on critical analysis and interpretations, rather than description. No marks will be awarded for merely summarising the key arguments put forward in the academic articles reviewed.


Report structure:

  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction (aims of the report)
  • Literature review
  • Management implications (how does this apply to your selected organization)
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations
  • References


You need to READ WIDELY first, exploring both theory and current best practice.

You need to identify the key issues involved.

You need to explain how the key issues identified would affect the chosen organization.

You need to provide recommendations to the chosen organisation on HOW it could face the issues identified (in terms of minimising the threats and taking full advantage of the opportunities).




•CONTENT - 75%


  • Relevance of material to topic


  • Appropriate use of theory


  • Quality, accuracy and depth of critical analysis


  • Breadth of ideas from literature, research and/or experience


  • Application of ideas and discussion of issues


  • Comprehensive and cogent recommendations




  • Coherence of argument


  • Prose style: sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc.


  • Structure and presentation, paragraphing, layout, etc.


  • Referencing - reference list and in-text referencing


Topic for the report:


Trade shows are a common form of promotion in international markets.


Discuss the factors that an Australian firm should investigate when considering launching their consumer product through trade shows in Asia.


NOTE: You have to discuss the topic from the perspective of an Australian firm aiming at launching their consumer products through trade shows in Asia (in general).


If you like, you can provide specific examples, related to specific Asian markets.


  • Paper must be fully referenced using APA citation and referencing standards.
  • Use at least 15 references
  • Do not use Wikipedia
  • Use journal articles as well
  • Cover all the topics given in the structure.



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Marketing Management: Global marketing
Reference No:- TGS0644740

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