
Global market segmentation process


Choose a country-Greece,

Company Santo Wine

Product to launch-gourmet olives

Market where that product is not currently marketed by that company in France

That presents Santo Winer strategy for global segmentation and positioning. Provide your plan for positioning, segmentation, and targeting for your country, company and product:

(Q1) Describe the two-stage process typically followed during the global market segmentation process. Discuss the criteria that might be employed in determining the segments of your international market. Describe the segment(s) you will market your product to.

(Q2) Describe Keegan's four basic positioning strategies and discuss which strategy is most appropriate for the product you are introducing. Explain how the product space defines a product's or brand's position in the mind of the customer.

(Q3) Discuss your pricing strategy and determine price for your products and describe your justification for your price. Examine the role of key marketing components including competition, price-quality relationships, and stage of the product lifecycle.

(Q4) Discuss the various types of distribution channels open to your industry or market. Describe your selected channels of distribution for the foreign industry or market you have chosen and explain why your selection is appropriate. Explain how distribution may be used as a competitive advantage.

(Q5) Discuss how you will assess how the local market will react to the entry of your product. How will you measure the success of your launch? What actionable measurement tactics will you employ, and at what stages will you take those measurements. What actions will your team prepare to take based on the metrics you gather?

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Other Management: Global market segmentation process
Reference No:- TGS01993348

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