
Global leadership is not only acted out on a global stage

1. Some theorists believe that the appropriate structure for organizations is paramount and necessary for success. Others believe that organizational culture is the primary factor in achieving organizational goals. Please explain and reconcile to the best of your ability perspectives on the importance of organizational structure and culture. Back up your perspectives with support from established organizational theorists.

2. Global leadership is not only acted out on a global stage. It can happen right in your own local organization or community. Describe how anyone in any organization (such as the one you might work in and write about) can demonstrate “global” leadership and how research findings about national and regional cultures could contribute.

3. When organizational theorists write about technology they rarely mean information technology. Instead, they are usually considering a broader definition that includes human skills, organizational processes, and data (or information), as well as tools (such as machines or software). Do a little searching. Which of these components do organizational theorists generally view as the most significant challenges to change management? Tell us what you find. How does that compare with your experience about change management?

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Operation Management: Global leadership is not only acted out on a global stage
Reference No:- TGS02922904

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