
Global finance market and international investment decisions

Attempt all the questions. 


Question1)a) What do you mean by Global Finance Market? Discuss international investment decisions and moving money across borders

(b) Explain the role of foreign factories in domestic markets.

Question2) Write brief notes on:          

i) Strategic Alliance

ii) Mergers and Acquisitions

iii) Free Trade Area/Agreement

iv) Joint Ventures

v) Customs Union                                  

Question3)a) Describe various types of Regional Economic Integration. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Regional Economic Integration in international Business?

b) Govt. of  India   has   allowed  FDI in Indian retails sector in Dec.2012.  Describe the salient features of FDI policy in Indian Retail Sector.

Question4) Aligned Documents System in International Trade plays a vital role. Explain the Commercial and Regulatory Documents used in the International Trade. How these documents are different from each other? 


Case Study

Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given in the end:
Foreign Company has been exporting its Nylon product to India for last one year on the lower price normally it charge in its own country. Selling of product at lower price has resulted into the direct injury to Indian Nylon Industry by way of loss of market share, reduction in profit, loss of production and job loss. Industry filed the application with the Director General of Antidumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) for investigating these imports at low price.

DGAD initiated the investigations and asked for the production cost data from the domestic and foreign companies involved in the case. But foreign company didn’t give the production cost data in the name of business secret. DGAD took the cost of production of similar product from 3rd country and fixed normal value of product vis-a vis the price of the domestic industry. It was found that normal price of the like product in India is Rs. 50/- per unit where as this foreign company is selling the same product at Rs. 35/- per unit. The foreign company is selling this product in their own country at Rs. 45/- per unit. The market share acquired in India by this foreign company alone is more than 10% and the total imports of this product come to 15% of the market share. As per Article –VI of antidumping agreement DGAD is empowered to determine anti dumping duty if the dumping margin is more than 2% in a particular case.


a) Do you feel there is a dumping by foreign company in this case? If yes, support your answer with evidence in the light of GATT Antidumping Agreement.

b) Compute the Antidumping Margin for imposing antidumping duty on the foreign company.

c) In India which Govt. department is empowered to notify antidumping duty once it is determined.

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Business Management: Global finance market and international investment decisions
Reference No:- TGS03291

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