
Global business cultural analysis


Global business cultural analysis - annotated bibliography instructions

Your annotated bibliography for your Global Business Cultural Analysis must consist of a minimum of 24 reputable, professional, scholarly journals and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course (i.e., not blogs, Wikipedia, newspapers, etc.), be in current APA format, and contain persistent links so others may have instant access. Include a proper title page.

It is highly recommended that you use Liberty University's Jerry Falwell Library online resources. A librarian is available to assist you in all matters pertaining to conducting your research, including what constitutes a scholarly article (reputable professional and/or scholarly journals and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course).

The Jerry Falwell Library librarian has asked that the following be shared:

Articles in Business Source Premier have a "Permalink" you can use to post in your assignment. The permalink, in most cases, will allow anyone to access your article. Articles in Business Source Complete have a "Permalink" you can use in your assignment. The Permalink should allow anyone to access your article. To get the Permalink, look the article up in Business Source Complete and click the article title. Then click the "Permalink" link that appears in the right column. Thanks, and God bless!

The annotations are designed to help your classmates better understand and more easily learn about your topic. The annotation is not a normal required component of APA; rather, it is a specific additional requirement for this assignment. Note the following regarding your annotated bibliography:

• An annotated bibliography is a list of the journals and resources you used.

• Each citation is followed by a brief (a minimum of 150 words), descriptive, and evaluative paragraph-the annotation.

• The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

• For more information on annotations, see this link about Annotated Bibliographies.

Do not cut and paste from your sources, as this constitutes plagiarism. Regardless of the reason, in the event of plagiarism, you will receive zero points for the entire assignment.

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