
Gladwell argues that marketing research techniques like

Perception Assignment

The objective of this assignment is to learn about people's consumption related behaviors to develop marketing strategies. In this assignment you in your role as a consumer will complete a couple of tests that examine your perceptions and apply it to gender and racial bias in marketing strategy.

Do the following:

1. Complete the Implicit Association Tests for Gender - Career IAT and RACE IAT from https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/selectatest.html

Watch: Dateline NBC: Psychological Dispositions in Black & White https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX-kmKIH7q4

Watch: Scientific American Frontiers: The Hidden Prejudice


2. Read the following articles/perspectives:

Title Link
Test Yourself for Hidden Bias https://www.tolerance.org/hiddenbias
What is Blink About? https://adage.com/article/viewpoint/focusgroups-abolished/104151/
The IAT: Questions of Reliability and Validity https://geraldguild.com/blog/2010/09/10/theiat-questions-of-reliability-and-validity/
HR Critical to Tackling Workplace Gender Bias, Promoting Equal Pay https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hrtopics/behavioral-competencies/global-andcultural-effectiveness/pages/hr-critical-totackling-workplace-gender-bias-promotingequal-pay.aspx

3. Answer the following questions. Make sure to apply consumer behavior concepts to this assignment.

What did these tests teach you about yourself in terms of your perceptions, conscious and unconscious beliefs? Did you agree with the results (why or why not)?

Gladwell argues that marketing research techniques like focus groups are not effective because we usually react to products quickly and without much conscious thought. So, it's better to solicit consumers' first impressions rather than getting them to think at length about why they buy. What is your position on this issue?

Provide an example of a marketing organization that presents negative images of race and one that presents positive images of race.

Provide an example of a marketing organization that presents negative images of gender and one that presents positive images of gender.

How do the above marketing efforts influence people?

Present your findings in a 3-4 double spaced pages report. The paper should be subdivided into three sections:

1. Objective
2. Methodology
3. Key Findings

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Marketing Management: Gladwell argues that marketing research techniques like
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