
Giving consideration to the various options you have been


The last few years have been difficult economically but the owners of Johnsons P/L, a medium-sized manufacturer of quality dining furniture is keen to grow the business. They have seen an increase in demand for their products from overseas and feel that they will need to increase their operation in order to continue to meet this demand. They are currently looking at a number of options to finance this expansion such as through debt and through equity raising (meaning they will need to “go public”). They have determined that they need to raise $60 million.

Giving consideration to the various options, you have been requested to advise the owners of Johnsons what the various options are, outlining the positives and negatives of each.

Required: write a report (should be extensive) to the owners detailing ALL the different options and considerations that you feel the owners should consider raising the $60 million. 

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Corporate Finance: Giving consideration to the various options you have been
Reference No:- TGS01199328

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