
Given the paper isnbsp introduction and analysis about

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Given the paper is:  "Introduction and analysis about Chinese Joint investigation team".

This paper is talk about Chinese government department. It is no academically problem.

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Collaborative Public Management Project

This assignment requires the identification, explanation, and analysis of a service or policy collaboration between two or more governments. In the case of the federal government or Illinois state government, this project may focus  on a collaboration between two or more agencies. The objective of this assignment is for you to identify the collaboration, explain its objectives and the background that encouraged the effort, its structure and partners, and provide an assessment/analysis of its effectiveness toward meeting these objectives.

This assignment requires in-person interviews with people directly involved in the collaboration from both sides of the effort. You must obtain approve of the topic for the assignment from me, but I do not require that you seek approval of the specific people you interview for the assignment. I encourage you to prepare questions in advance of the interview, request their permission to record the interview to improve your ability to retain critical information, and to solicit materials from them related to the collaboration. I encourage you to spend at least 45 minutes with each interviewee.

The report should be 10-15 pages and include the following sections:
1. Introduction (1 page maximum)

  • Be sure to include 2-3 sentences outlining how the content of the report is organized.

2. Collaboration in Brief (2-4 pages maximum)

  •  Be sure to focus specifically on the collaboration activities and the structure used to support it. If there is a contract, explain the major elements of it. If it is a grant program, explain eligibility requirements and obligations on each side. If there is a new organization created, explain its revenue sources and governance structure.

3. Initial Objectives and Obstacles (2-3 pages maximum)

4. Assessment (2-3 pages maximum)

5. Lessons Learned (3-4 pages maximum)

  • I encourage you to organize this discussion into terms of the lessons, which each one serving a subheading.

References and appendix should follow and are not included in the page number counts.

Attachment:- Paper Wen Su.rar

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Other Subject: Given the paper isnbsp introduction and analysis about
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