Database System Assignment -
Question 1 - Given a graph database D containing following graphs:
1) Suppose minFreq = 3, draw at least 4 frequent patterns/fragments in the graph database D. A graph/pattern g is frequent if its occurrence frequency is no less than minFreq.
Question 2 - Given the following query q and data graph G.
1) Please draw a Neighborhood Equivalence Class tree (NEC tree) of query q.
2) Please decompose the vertex set of query q according to Core-Forest-Leaf decomposition. That is, decompose the vertex set of q into three sets including the core-set, the forest-set and the leaf-set.
Question 3 - Given a social influence graph G1 as following:
1) Choose one activated seed s from v0 ~ v9 which can generate the largest influence spreads (i.e., let w(s) = 1, maximize ∑9 i = 0w(vi)).