
Given the concept rating for a new wine cooler table below

1. Given the Concept Rating for a New Wine Cooler Table below, estimate the probability that a randomly selected 21 to 49 year old consumer:

(a) Would give the phrase a rating of 5

(b) Would give the phrase a rating of 3 or higher

(c) Is in the 21-24 age group

(d) Is a male who gives the phrase a rating of 4

(e) Is a 35 to 49 year old who gives the phrase a rating of no more than 2

(f) Based on the probabilities for the ratings of 4 and 5, which age/gender demographic would be the best target audience for the new concept?


Rating of the appeal of the

phrase as it relates to the Gender Age

new wine cooler Total Sample Male Female 21-24 25-34 35-49

Extremely appealing (5) 151 68 83 48 63 40

Somewhat appealing (4) 91 51 40 36 32 23

Neither appealing nor not appealing (3) 36 21 15 9 16 11

Somewhat unappealing (2) 13 7 6 4 6 3

Not at all appealing (1) 9 3 6 4 3 2

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Business Economics: Given the concept rating for a new wine cooler table below
Reference No:- TGS02727944

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