
Given the churn data for training and test develop models

Given the churn data for training and test, develop models using different techniques i.e. "Logistic Regression", "Decision Trees", "Random Forests" and "Neural Networks".

· Compare the results using tests like Gini, KS, Rank Ordering, etc. for training and test sets.
· Compare the results across all the technique and report the best technique/model for this data.
· Considering the best model is applied, determine the potential business benefit in next 2 months (consider performance window to be 2 months).
· Document all the steps employed in proper sequence along with R-codes

# Model1 is the predicted probability of Y=1 and output the file into the excel and create the K/S. Please note, sort the bins descending #

binned <-cut(mod1$Model1,cutpoints,include.lowest=TRUE)

write.csv(x1,"D:/Principal Component/ks.csv")

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Basic Computer Science: Given the churn data for training and test develop models
Reference No:- TGS01245181

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