
Given that the current 2 primary sources of electricity

Unit 4 - Individual Project

Unit: Lab to Analyze Non-Renewable Energy Sources

In this lab, you will see the time progression of impacts associated with either coal-fired or nuclear power plants for electricity generation to help you write up a scientific paper that centers on the following:

Given that the current 2 primary sources of electricity generation are coal and nuclear power plants, which of these sources is better for human sustainability?

Analyze Energy Sources Lab

Everything people do in their daily lives involves the consumption of resources-particularly energy. With respect to energy, electricity is one of the most important resources consumed and also one of the highest in demand.

Traditionally, fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil have dominated the U.S. energy mix; however, as it is well-known, carbon-emitting energy sources are very detrimental to the environment and are contributing to global warming. Fortunately, alternative energy resources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power are becoming more efficient and prevalent in today's energy economy.

Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and gather your data.

Review this video for a detailed overview of this assignment. Then you will use the Lab 4 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection. Be certain to compete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the worksheet.

Unit 4 - Individual Project

Unit: Environmental Hazards and Human Health

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is all of the garbage, refuse, trash, or junk that gets thrown away from homes and small businesses. All of this MSW is collected and taken away.

Have you ever wondered where it goes? In the 1950s and 60s, it went to open dumps. In the 1970s, landfills were established, but there were problems, and today there is new legislation and technology to better manage this waste.

For this assignment, you will review the history of MSW and complete the SCI201 Worksheet.

Unit 4 - Discussion Board

Unit: International Markets

Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan.

Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft you will complete next week.

Unit 5 - Individual Project

Unit: International Financial System

A regional bank has decided to open an office overseas for serving those businesses that are expanding internationally. Choose a country with a large financial center that you believe would be helpful to your customer base.

Discuss some of the challenges you may face in this new environment.

What are the cultural, ethnic, social, and educational characteristics?

Describe the political and legal systems.

How much does the government intervene in the private sector?

How will that affect your financial institution?

What type of economic system does it have?

What is the history of that economic system?

How is the country involved in international trade?

How does the government get involved in trade issues?

Will that help or hurt your financial institution?

Will your presence in this country be helpful in your attempts to invest in other developing countries?

Is this country involved in any regional integration efforts? How so?

Why did you choose this location for your bank?

As a manager, what would be your overall assessment about whether you want to pursue opening an office there?

Are the financial risks worth taking?

Will it be beneficial to all of the stakeholders?

In pursuing this, what type of presence do you think would be best suited to your objectives?

How should the plant be financed?

Should they hedge foreign exchange or something else? Explain.

Identify 3 foreign exchange instruments you would recommend?

What, if any, government regulations that would affect earnings and cash flow should they be aware of?

Include the need to be aware of inflation and interest rates and how it affects exchange rates.

Keep in mind that the country that the plant is in does not necessarily have to be where the financing is done.

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Operation Management: Given that the current 2 primary sources of electricity
Reference No:- TGS02900283

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