
Given that progressive and successful companies require


Remember all questions are based on Apple Inc. and Kodak

1. Select the TCO your essay question will cover:

TCO A - Given that progressive and successful companies require their employees to embrace change, examine how changing work conditions impact the employees.

TCO B - Given the inherent reality that all organizations must experience change in order to improve, demonstrate how "models" are used in Change Management, for diagnosing an organization's need for change.

TCO C - Given external, internal and/or multi-levels of organization factors that drive change, assess and create a leadership model which supports and promotes each type of change within the organization.

TCO D - Given that an organization's mission and vision will determine its strategy towards change, ensure that an organization's change initiative is aligned with and capitalizes on its culture and mission in preparation for change.

TCO E - Given a selected Change Management implementation "model", determine the causes of change and develop a plan of action to implement the change.

TCO F - Given that both organizations and their employees commonly resist change, understand how to recognize and overcome barriers to change and develop a strategy to manage resistance to change that will ensure successful implementation of change.

TCO G - Given that developing a "vision for change" and communicating that "vision" is a critical part of the change process, analyze the key elements of the "vision for change" and develop a strategy to communicate the change to the stakeholder.

TCO H - Given the organization's goal of creating and implementing a sustainable change while moving toward becoming a "learning" organization, develop a plan to implement change in a sustainable manner that can be applied to any change.

Using the TCO you selected from the list above, which you felt was most relevant to your project this term, write an essay answer explaining how the change management you saw in Apple inc and Kodakfollowed or failed to follow the theory of success ingrained in the TCO you have selected.

2. State the #1 thing you think that company's change agent did which most contributed to the success or failure of the change and why that relates to the TCO you selected.

• Include in the answer the name of the company you are discussing.Apple Inc. or Kodak
• Explain/analyze why you think this way.

3. Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies' change projects or programs for change..Apple Inc. and Kodak This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term

Recall that external and internal pressures often impact implementation of change in companies. For this question, please write an essay answering these questions:

a) Define specific (at least 2 each) external and internal pressures that will (or did) affect the implementation of the changes in Apple Inc. and Kodak

b) Name two strategies of handling these pressures that you would (have) suggested to the company leaders as being the most effective in managing those pressures during the implementation phase.

c) Defend your positions with details about why you feel your strategies would assist with handling these pressures.

4. Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies' change projects or programs for change..Apple Inc. and Kodak This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response.

You will assess the "sustainability" of the changes which occurred in the companies you studied. Select ONE of the company change programs for your answer to this question and state it here. Assess the change project. Was it successful or unsuccessful in your opinion? What will it take (what are some steps the company can, should, or DID take) to make it SUSTAINABLE? What theories did you consider in coming to this conclusion? Do you think this change will still be in place in one, five, or ten years? Why or why not?

5. Consider ONE of your company's change projects .Apple Inc. or Kodak (not both companies - just one.) State the company and the change process/program/project. Name the leader of the change from that company. Answer the following questions about that change:

A. Would you characterize your leader as the change "sponsor" or the change "implementer" of this change? Or was this leader in fact both? Describe the difference between a sponsor of change and an implementer of change, why they are both important, and why you feel your leader was one or the other.

B. Evaluate the leader's implementation of the change as it compared to the company's vision and mission statement. Were they aligned? Did this alignment (or misalignment) contribute to the success or failure of the change? Why or why not?

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Business Management: Given that progressive and successful companies require
Reference No:- TGS01135876

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