
given strings s1 and s2 of lengths m and n

Given strings s1 and s2 of lengths m and n respectively, a minimum cover of s1 by s2 is a decomposition s1 = w1w2 .... wk, where each wi is a non-empty substring of s2 and k is minimized. Eg., given s1 = accgtatct and s2 = cgtactcatc, there are several covers of s1 by s2 possible, two of which are:

(i) cover1: s1 = w1w2w3w4 (where w1 = ac, w2 = cgt, w3 = atc, w4 = t) , and

(ii) cover2: s1 = w1w2w3w4w5 (where w1 = ac, w2 = c, w3 = gt, w4 = atc, w5 = t).

However, only cover1 is a minimal cover. Give an algorithm to compute a minimum cover (if one exists) in O (m + n) time and space. If a minimum cover does not exist your algorithm should state so and terminate within the same time and space bounds. Give a brief justification of why you think your algorithm is correct - meaning, how it guarantees finding the minimial cover (if one exists).

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Application Programming: given strings s1 and s2 of lengths m and n
Reference No:- TGS0220218

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