
Given n segments find the minimal possible number of points

Covering segments by points

Given n segments, find the minimal possible number of points such that each segment contains at least one point.

The first line contains the number 1≤n≤100 of segments. Each of the following n lines contains two integers 0≤l≤r≤109 defining the endpoints of a segment. Output the optimal number m of points and then m points. 

Sample Input 1:
1 3
2 5
3 6
Sample Output 1:

Sample Input 2:
4 7
1 3
2 5
5 6
Sample Output 2:
3 6 

Memory Limit: 256 MB
Time Limit: 1 seconds 

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Basic Computer Science: Given n segments find the minimal possible number of points
Reference No:- TGS0994527

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