
Given is the research plan - edit and improve on the

Attached is the Research Plan.

Edit and improve on the attached Research Plan.


The purpose of this document is to provide insight into expectations for successful completion of Milestone 5. Specific instructions about using the Quantitative Dissertation Research Plan form are found in the form itself. Expectations of performance ratings are detailed in each section of the document. Sections in this document correspond directly to sections in the Quantitative Dissertation Research Plan form. At the end of this document you will find the 16 evaluation criteria including performance rating descriptions at each level (Non-Performance, Basic, Proficient, and Distinguished).

Scientific Merit

Overall scientific merit of the Dissertation Research Plan (DRP) based on three overarching criteria:

1. Advances the scientific knowledge base.
2. Makes a contribution to research theory.
3. Meets certain "hallmarks" of good research methodology.

Attachment:- Capella-Dissertation-Alfred-Seih-Full-RP.rar

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Accounting Basics: Given is the research plan - edit and improve on the
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