
Given is article review- develop a quantitative and

Given is article review.

Research Proposal Assignment
Develop a Quantitative and Qualitative Research Proposal incorporating the specific methodologies covered within the course.

A well-written Research Proposal will include the following sections and information:

I. Introduction:  1 pg
Significance/purpose of study: The purpose statement presents a significant and contemporary research problem related to special education. The constructs and variables are appropriately defined. All elements are mutually supportive and are directly linked to research.

Clear and reasonable research question(s) are articulated given the purpose, design, and methods of the proposed study.

Hypothesis (quantitative only)

Comment [1]: Here is the problem of interest in special education that you have identified either from your experience in the classroom or from the literature you've read. You can tie in some research here to support your statement, but mainly that's what the literature review is for.

Here are 2 examples:

1.I have noticed in my school that student students with Autism who are included in gen ed classes are struggling to make social connections with their peers.

2. District XX has a highly reputable program for individuals with learning disabilities and the graduates of the program do very well in college.

Comment [2]: Connect your question to the research problem you just stated and KEEP IT SIMPLE! Less is more and remember this is not a real study, just something you are interested in exploring and learning more about Examples:

1.How are students with Autism making social connection with their peers in general education? [case study]

2.What are the experiences of student enrolled in the LD program at District XX? [case study OR ethnography, depending on the methods you choose]

Comment [3]: Each key element - that's what you're looking up, the different elements you've mentioned in your problem and research questions and linking them together in the literature review. It's HIGHLY possible that you will not find much or any research literature on your exact problem, that's what this section is for: you're making the connections within the research (i.e. developing an argument) to show that this topic is important. Remember, this is a VERY short literature review, so you just need to touch on the key points but say enough to explain the different aspects of the problem that relate to your study (i.e. research question, which is specifically what you're looking to research).


1.Literature related to:
a. Inclusion in general, why it's important and beneficial, maybe even why not

b.Experiences of students with Autism in inclusive setting

c.Teacher/parents/gen ed students perceptions of inclusion?d.Individuals with autism and developing social relationships

2.LD in general?a.

Students with LD and there experiences/outcome in school, college and post-school?b.How to support student with LD (maybe a particular intervention study showed positive results)?c.Student in special education and how they perform in college?d.Experiences of students with special education in high school  problem

II. Literature Review: 2-3 pgs

The literature review consists of a workable structure for presenting relevant literature related to the constructs and variables of the proposed study. The narrative integrates critical and logical details from the peer-reviewed theoretical and research literature. Each key element of the study is grounded to the literature. Attention is given to different perspectives, and opinion vs. evidence.

III. Methods: 2-3 pgs
• Research Design: The research design has been identified and described in ?sufficiently detailed terms, with limitations and assumptions being identified.

• Context, Population and Sampling: The context, population, and sampling ?strategy is clearly identified and described. The size of the population, sample, ?and comparison groups are identified.

• Instruments: Instruments and observation protocols are identified by name and ?described.

• Procedures: Procedures are thorough, manageable, coherent, and powerful for ?generating valid and reliable data. Procedures are chronological and replicable, ?with clear distinctions between researcher and participant actions.

• Data Analysis: Analytical methods are sufficiently specific, clear, and appropriate given the research questions, research design, and scale of measurement, and type ?of distribution.

IV. References:
• References: In-text and reference list are formatted according to APA guidelines

• Mechanics and style: Proper use of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Writing ?demonstrates thoughtful, deliberate and well-articulated thoughts, ideas and statements. APA guidelines are correctly followed, especially in regards to citations, references, headings, page numbers, and running headers.

Length : 8 Pages.

Attachment:- Article Review for special education early childhood.rar

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