
Given how prevalent antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers

Question - Antibiotic Resistance of bacterial species is becoming more of a problem with each passing year and has prompted the "Get Smart: Know when Antibiotics Work" campaign by the CDC.

Take a few moments to explore the campaign's website.

Comment on one of the following questions based on your own experience or that of someone you know:

1. Pick a specific antibiotic (e.g. penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, or any other- try to pick one that has not been written about already), do a little research on it and explain to the class how it targets bacterial cells and not eukaryotic cells (i.e. why does it harm bacteria but does not harm us?). This is often linked to antibiotics mechanism of action.

2. Given how prevalent antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers are today, do you think the use of these products can contribute to the antibiotic resistance problem? Why or why not? Give some support for your opinion. Do you use these products in your house or at work? Why or why not? To help you with this, consider or do some research on how these products work before answering. Include this information in your response as it relates to your opinion.

Site all external sources you used in answering these questions.

No limit. Would like at the 4-5 sentence. Each question with cited.

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Dissertation: Given how prevalent antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers
Reference No:- TGS02688875

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