
Given an organizations requirement to implement business

Problem Scenario: You have been retained as a consultant for The Very Little Bank and Trust Company. It is about to embark on a marketing campaign to roll out a new certificate of deposit product. It wants you to provide the analytical guidance at each step of the way. This is a unique opportunity because most BI analysts are called in after everything is said and done and then must make do with whatever is there. So the first thing you do is a review of the literature to see if anything similar has been done. Lo and behold, your efforts are rewarded. You discover a past BI effort that is similar. You decide to review it and practice on it to gain experience and insight. Recognize you are not searching for right answers to some hypothetical Final Exam questions here. Rather, you are polishing your BI management and analytical skills. You will be judged accordingly. You should look at this as something more akin to a wrestling match. Your opponent is the data set. Begin by reading and understanding the main themes in the paper. Good luck.

Review the published paper. This paper will provide you with a road map of what some experienced BI analysts have encountered on their journeys.

You will need the following files.

Conduct an exploratory data analysis of this data set. Based on this analysis, decide which input variables you will be using. You will need to create two documents: a technical summary of your work and a management summary of your work.

Decide which, if any, data transformations should be done.Conduct a decision tree analysis. Create a technical summary of your work. Conduct another analysis using a method of your choosing. Create a technical summary of your work. Compare and contrast the resulting models suitable for your peers. Prepare a summary of your results suitable for your senior management. Prepare a single technical document describing and supporting your decisions.

Given an organization's requirement to implement business intelligence, examine the impact of business intelligence on the organization.

Given a business scenario together with a multiple regression analysis, interpret the results and evaluate its impact on the business process that generated it.

Given a business scenario together with a logistic regression analysis, interpret the results and evaluate its impact on the business process that generated it.

Given the results of a predictive analysis, analyze the performance of the model and evaluate ways of improving its results.

Given a business scenario together with a decision tree analysis, interpret the results and evaluate its limitations.

Given a business scenario together with a neural network analysis, interpret the results and evaluate its limitations.

Given a business scenario, practice collapsing the data and generating meaningful groups.

Given a business scenario requiring the analysis of very large data set, practice collapsing the data, generate meaningful groups, and interpret the results.

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Applied Statistics: Given an organizations requirement to implement business
Reference No:- TGS02483355

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