
given a polynomial px along degree at least 1 amp

Given a polynomial P(x) along degree at least 1 & any number r there is another polynomial Q(x), called  as the quotient, with degree one less than degree of P(x) & a number R, called the remainder, such that,

                                           P ( x ) = ( x - r ) Q ( x ) + R

Note as well that Q(x) and R is unique, or in other terms, there is only one Q(x) & R that will work for a given P(x) & r.

Thus, with the one example we've done to this point we can illustrates that,

Q ( x ) = 5x2 + 19 x + 76 and R = 310

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Algebra: given a polynomial px along degree at least 1 amp
Reference No:- TGS0412835

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