Assignment task: The Globe and Mail Magazine in canadian political system
1. Summarize the article
2. List, numerically, using one of the following pairs of headings (A.) Strengths and Weakness, (B.) 5 Advantages or 5 Disadvantages, or (C.) 5 Pros and 5 Cons, of the issue
3. Give your Critical Analysis (personal opinion) of the issue
a. Your personal opinion, are you for or against / why?
b. Have you described the issue from a critical / political analysis point of view?
c. Are you able to see both sides and suggest a compromise?
d. Do you detect any political "spin" by different political parties / describe?
e. What might be the long term consequences either positive or negative / or both positive and negative?
f. Have you based your comments on political reality / facts vs. your subjective feelings about the issue?