
Give your congress election outcomes predictions


I. First, consider current events in Congress. Work continues on major infrastructure and social programs bills including what items will be addressed and how to pay for the cost. Major legislation, like the Covid 19 relief bill, passed with votes along party lines. This means there continues to be great polarization and not widespread bipartisan work to reach compromise on laws. In fact, there has been in-party differences within the democratic party concerning the some recent legislation issues. The party in control with a majority of members in each of the chambers can pass items that need only a majority vote.

i. Is this an effective method to make law or policy? Why or why not?
ii. Do you believe that we will continue to see polarization or move toward bipartisanship?

You may wish to consider this reading on CongressLinks to an external site. and perform additional research to form your answers.

II. Next, consider that there will be elections that impact Congress with the next election cycle and there have been some changes since last year. The last election was referred to as midterm elections and the president did not face election as he was in the middle of his 4 year term. However, control of Congress can and has changed in the midterm elections which can impact what laws or policies are possible. Before the midterm election, the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate were controlled by Democrats (technically the Senate has some independents, but they tend to vote with Democrats creating a split in voting). However, since the midterm elections, the current Congress has a House of Representatives that is controlled by the Republican Party and the U.S. Senate is controlled by the Democratic Party. The next election will be when the President will also be selected in 2024. Remember that the U.S. House has 435 members and the U.S. Senate has 100. All House seats are up for re-election but only one-third of the U.S, Senate seats will be elected. Note that some members of Congress may many U.S. retire and not run for re-election.

i. Give your Congress election outcomes predictions - what will be the outcome in November 2024?
ii. You must include your number of Democrats and Republicans in both the House and the Senate and explain why you gave this response.

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