
Give the strongest conservative reason for the war on drugs

Give the strongest conservative reason for the war on drugs; then explain whether you believe the conservative reason supports the conclusion that recreational drugs (besides alcohol and tobacco) should remain illegal. Explain your thinking. 

Is donald trump an authoritarian?

The handout asserts that Donald Trump is a nativist. What is nativism? And is the handout right? Is Trump a nativist?

Explain how you think a utilitarian would answer this question: Should adults be legally permitted to buy, sell, and use recreational drugs? Your emphasis should be on HOW a utilitarian reasons about uses of state power.

Advocates of paternalism argue that human beings are not perfect; we sometimes don't know what is good for us, or, if we do, we are sometimes incapable of acting in ways that are we know are good for us. How would a libertarian respond to this statement? Can libertarians accept the claim made above -- about human beings not being perfect -- but still argue against paternalism? 

Libertarians often say that taxation, used for purposes other than to fund institutions that protect basic rights, is theft. Using what you know about libertarianism from the chapter, the handout, and the lectures, explain what this means. This paper is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have a beginner's understanding of libertarianism.

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Dissertation: Give the strongest conservative reason for the war on drugs
Reference No:- TGS02637254

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