
Give the praise talk dont read it off the paper try to

Preparing for Skill-Development Exercise 2 Think of a job situation in which you did something welldeserving of praise and recognition. For example, you may have saved the company some money, you may have turned a dissatisfied customer into a happy one, and so forth. If you have never worked or done something well, interview someone who has. Put yourself in a management position and write out the praise you would give to an employee for doing what you did. Briefly describe the situation:

Step 1. Tell the employee exactly what was done correctly.

Step 2. Tell the employee why the behavior is important.

Step 3. Stop for a moment of silence. (Count to fi ve silently to yourself.)

Step 4. Encourage repeat performance. Doing Skill-Development Exercise 2 in Class Objective To develop your skill at giving praise. The primary AACSB learning standard skill developed through this exercise is leadership--motivating others. Preparation You will need your prepared praise. Experience You will give and receive praise. Procedure (10-15 minutes) Break into groups of four to six. One at a time, give the praise you prepared.

1. Explain the situation.

2. Select a group member to receive the praise.

3. Give the praise. (Talk; don't read it off the paper.) Try to select the position you would use if you were actually giving the praise on the job (both standing, both sitting, etc.).

4. Integration. The group gives the praise-giver feedback on how he or she did:

Step 1. Was the praise very specifi c and descriptive? Did the giver look the employee in the eye?

Step 2. Was the importance of the behavior clearly stated?

Step 3. Did the giver stop for a moment of silence?

Step 4. Did the giver encourage repeat performance? Did the giver of praise touch the receiver (optional)? Step 5. Did the praise take less than one minute? Was the praise sincere? Conclusion The instructor may lead a class discussion and/or make concluding remarks. Apply It (2-4 minutes) What did I learn from this experience? How will I use this knowledge in the future? When will I practice? Sharing In the group, or to the entire class, volunteers may give their answers to the "Apply It" questions.

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English: Give the praise talk dont read it off the paper try to
Reference No:- TGS02158610

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