Assignment task: Read the following brief dialogue between a gender-sensitive clinician and a client. What indicates to you that this is an example of a gender-sensitive approach? Specifically link to concepts from the chapter.
Question 1:
Client: I want my husband to be my best friend and favorite companion as well as provider and lover. I am interested in everything that he does, and he should likewise be interested in my activities. If you don't share your life together totally, what is the point of being married?
Therapist: The kind of marriage you're describing reminds me of my own ideas about marriage when I was first married. I really resented anything my husband did without me, and I remember making some terrible scenes because he wasn't home punctually from a golf game or he planned to attend some sporting events with his friends without consulting me. It still embarrasses me to think about my ranting and raving! I had to learn to give him some more space in our relationship and to enjoy my own space. Now, I wouldn't give up my own activities for the world! And, you know, our marriage is a lot happier than when I was insisting on total sharing.
Questions 2:
What are the potential benefits and drawbacks to using gender-sensitive therapy techniques with clients? How does this model align with a social justice perspective?