
Give one reason that this film is not perfect for the


The "you orientation" is adapting your message to your audience to achieve your purpose.

Convince my instructor (Debbie) that the film you viewed which is (Baby Boom 1987) could help her illustrate the you Orientation concept.

Make sure that you have a thesis statement that summarizes your major argument and is focused on the benefit to your audience. (My instructor). Your working thesis thus will be "X film is a good/ excellent / satisfactory tool to aid in teaching the ‘you orientation' to GAD students (My class)." This working thesis should NOT be your final thesis. Your first paragraph should provide a "road map" for the rest of the essay, previewing the points to be made.

Give three examples from the film that would help My instructor teach her concept (the you Orientation). These may be three different scenes or three different motifs in the film. You may either analyze the ways in which each scene will be of help or explain how a category of scenes will work, for example, the sales/presuasive scenes, the business meeting scenes, intercultural communication, negative/bad news message and good news message. In either case, make sure that your summary is minimal. Details should be included only as they strengthen your argument. Remember that assertion is not evidence. In other words, writing that the scene is clear, is good, is student-centered, or whatever is not enough. SHOW how it could help in teaching the you orientation.

Give one reason that this film is not perfect for the purpose or the audience. In other words, use a counterargument and show how the drawback of the film is inconsequential compared to its strengths.

This essay should follow the basic SIX-paragraph structure: introduction, three related paragraphs of support, one counterargument and the evidence that the pro factors outweigh the con, and a conclusion that says nothing new. You may use more than six paragraphs if needed, but the structure should not change. As for length, please do not write more than 50 pages. Use as many words and as much space as you need to be convincing and do not use any more than necessary. Remember to focus on communication and not on any other facet of business.

This is a formal essay and should not use "I" or "me" or "you" or "we" or discuss "people." Because you are writing outside of class, you have the opportunity to ensure that the essay is free of mechanical errors. One point will be taken off for every two errors.

This is the link to the movie


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Business Management: Give one reason that this film is not perfect for the
Reference No:- TGS01716229

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