
Give examples of products or services whose reliability

Explain the answer of the following questions

Question 1- Obtain an organization chart from a local company and explain how the reliability engineering function fits into their organizational structure.

Part 1- Describe where, if at all, in the organization the following functions are performed: i- Reliability estimation and verification, ii- Failure analysis, iii- Process control, iv- Procurement control, v- Reliability/design/cost trade-off studies.

Question 2- Which parameter or parameters are most appropriate for specifying the reliability of each of the following? i- An emergency generator in a hospital, ii- An engraver, iii- A mousetrap, iv- An office copy machine, v- A flashbulb.

Question 3- Give examples of products or services whose reliability would properly be specified by each of the following parameters: i- MTBF and MTTR, ii- Success probability, iii- Dependability

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Other Subject: Give examples of products or services whose reliability
Reference No:- TGS0971186

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