Give example of service-learning project on food insecurity

Problem: Please give an example of a service-learning project on food insecurity and include all needing information from below.

1. Is this direct, indirect, advocacy, or research-based?

2. Your assessment of biological and social factors impacting the population that would be served by or would benefit from your participation in this service-learning project.

3. Biological factors: Include details about the biological factors that impact/play a role in the issues your project addresses for the target population (i.e., age, health, functional ability, etc.).

4. Social factors: Include details about the social factors that impact the target population (i.e., family type, socioeconomic status, social functioning, culture, spirituality, etc.).

5. The identification and a discussion of how the various theoretical concepts can be applied to the target population's (those who will be served by your Service-Learning Project) life experiences/personal perspectives.

6. Each theoretical application should be supported by evidence.

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Reference No:- TGS03362194

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