
Give example of organizational chart for a home health care

Problem: Give an example of an organizational chart for a Home Health Care Business and explain your organizational structure and management. The organizational chart should show the positions you want to include and the reporting structure.

Part 1: Organizational Chart

Show the organizational chart with position titles (no names) for the company. The chart should have a professional appearance, be easy to read, and meet the following specifications:

  • must include a hierarchy of reporting, line relationships, and positions/titles
  • size and position the chart so it fits on one slide and the text is large enough to read
  • add a title to the slide

Part 2: Business Organization Essay

Describe how you want to organize your business and how its management will be structured. The essay should include the following:

  • A brief overview of the type of organization structure your business will have (each health care facility is structured differently, whether a hospital, private practice, or department). A list of the major positions in your health care organization and the responsibilities of each.
  • A description of the type of advisory board or board of directors you will have. Explain the roles of those involved in this panel of experts.
  • An explanation of why you set up your organization this way

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Other Management: Give example of organizational chart for a home health care
Reference No:- TGS03383313

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