
Give background to the chosen issue or topic set parameters

Question: Structure of Final Research Report Length: 2,200 - 2,500 words

A signed and scanned cover sheet for each student must be attached. The assignment should be typed with 1.5 spacing and should follow this outline:

TITLE PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Briefly summarize the main conclusions of the report.

INTRODUCTION: Give background to the chosen issue or topic; set parameters or scope of topic; describe your approach; establish your own focus and point of view (your position); briefly indicate the organization of the report.

SYNTHESIS OF SELECTED TEXTS: (Replace this heading with heading/s more suitable to your topic) Synthesize the relevant information around 2-5 main points (probably 3). Organize these points into logical paragraphs that develop your ethical argument. Draw on at least 6 sources to support and justify your argument.
Incorporates 1 visual presentation you've created from data obtained from articles or surveys

CONCLUSION: Summarize your argument and give main conclusions.

REFERENCE LIST: List the articles or books you cite in your report, arranged alphabetically by author's surname using Harvard UTS Referencing style. Note - none of these references should be a single URL.

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Dissertation: Give background to the chosen issue or topic set parameters
Reference No:- TGS02344176

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