Starting on page 373 your book lays out how to correctly design powerpoint slides that are visually effective.
Pay close attention to what should and should not be included.
Note: this will take a long time to upload, but it will upload.
Utilizing powerpoint's "record" button under slideshow to record your audio while presenting your finished slideshow, complete a 6 page powerpoint based on the following:you have been asked to create a presentation that can be uploaded to lonestar's main page on d2l. There are 2 parts to this presentation:
Part 1: Give an overview of why supporting materials are important for students to use when turning in powerpoint assignments.
Part 2: Discuss the differences between visual and verbal supporting materials. Alsio give the definition and an example of each type of verbal aid.
Note: you are being grade on both the verbal and the audio of this presentation.