
Give an analytical approximation for the frequency response

Questions -

Q1. Compute the two-dimensional continuous-space Fourier transform of the following signal: The two-dimensional zero-one function pA(x, y) where A is an elliptical region, with semi-minor axis X and semi-major axis 2X, oriented at 45o as shown in the figure


Q2. A square image (pw = ph) is sampled on the hexagonal lattice Λ generated by the sampling matrix229_figure1.png. Where X =1/512 ph. Design a Gaussian FIR filter with unit sample response h[x] = cexp(||x||2/2r2) for x ∈ B having a 3dB bandwidth of 0.2/x c/ph. The region of support of the FIR filter is B = {x ∈ Λ| ||x|| ≤ 3X}. Having determined the correct values of c and r, give the coefficient of the filter. Give an analytical approximation for the frequency response of the filter. Make a contour plot and a perspective plot of the frequency response of the filter over frequency range -2/X ≤ u ≤ 2/X, -4/√(3X) ≤ v ≤ 4/√(3X).

Sketch, by hand (or other means) on the contour plot, the points of the reciprocal lattice Λ* and a Voronoi unit cell of Λ*, and comment on the periodicity of the frequency response. Recall that the Voronoi unit cell consists of all points in Λ* closer to the origin than to any other point of Λ*.

Q3. Consider an ideal discrete-space circularly symmetric low pass filter defined on a rectangular lattice with horizontal and vertical sample spacing X and Y. The pass band is Cw = {(u, v) | v2 + v2 ≤ W2} and the unit cell of the reciprocal lattice is P* = {(u, v) | -(1/2X) ≤ u < 1/2X, -(1/2Y) ≤ v < 1/2Y}. Assume that W < min (1/2X, 1/2Y) so that Cw ⊂ P*


Where of course H(u + k/X, v + l/Y) = H(u, v) for all integers k, l. Show that the unit sample response of this filter is given by

h[mX, nY] = (WXY/√(X2m2+Y2n2))J1(2πW√(X2m2+Y2n2))

Where J1(s) is the Bessel function of the first kind and first order. You may use the following identities:

J0(s) = 1/2π 0exp[js cos(θ+φ)]dθ for any φ

0xsJ0(s)ds = sJ1(s)

Alternatively, you may use Table 2.2, but carefully justify your answer. Simplify the expression in the Case X = Y.

Q4. For each of the following pairs of lattices Λ1 and Λ2, state whether Λ1 ⊂ Λ2, Λ2 ⊂ Λ1 or neither. If neither, find (by inspection) the least dense lattice Λ3 such that Λ1 ⊂ Λ3 and Λ2 ⊂ Λ3. For each lattice Λ1, Λ2 and Λ3 (if required), determine and sketch the reciprocal lattice and a unit cell of the reciprocal lattice. Also, determine a system to convert a signal f(x) defined on Λ1 to a signal g(x) defined on Λ2. Assume that ideal low-pass filters are used where filters are required; give an expression for their frequency response and sketch their pass-band and gain in the frequency domain.


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Dissertation: Give an analytical approximation for the frequency response
Reference No:- TGS02939184

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