give a suitable algorithm of non-repudiation in

Give a suitable algorithm of non-repudiation in designing e-cash based system.

The algorithm of non-repudiation in designing e-cash based system is as illustrated below:

Key generation within RSA:

1.  Choose p, q where p and q are both primary and p≠q (private, selected)

2.  Compute n = pXq

3.  Compute ?(n)=(p-1)(q-1), here n is public calculated and ?(n) is Euler totient function

4.  Choose integer e, along with gcd (?(n),e)=1; l

5.  Compute d where d = e-1mod?(n) and d is private, computed

6.  Public key KU={e,n}

7.  Private key KR={d,n}

Encryption into RSA:

  • Plaintext M where M
  • Ciphertext C where C=Me(mod n)
  • Decryption in RSA:
  • Ciphertext C
  • Plaintext M where M = Cd(mod n)

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Computer Engineering: give a suitable algorithm of non-repudiation in
Reference No:- TGS0330751

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