
Give a scatterplot that shows the relationship between


A gym has conducted a survey of its customers.After reading the literature, perform a suitable analysis and propose a change to the business,Your analysis should include a suitable hypothesis test to investigate the relationship between variables. Also pretend you do some market research to check if customers approve of the change.You will have to find a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of customers that support your proposed change and test the claim the proportion of customers that support the change is above 50%


You must use the datasets shown - Customer survey data below

Proposed change data

3 Report Structure

The suggested report structure is as follows:

Section 1. Introduction

Section 2. Reviewing academic source(s) or website(s) relevant to the survey of gym customers

Find at least one journal article or website related to the survey of Gym customers and give a brief description.

Section 3. A simple Bivariate analysis of the customer survey data and Hypothesis test

Using the

Customer survey data

*Include at least one bivariate analysis that shows the relationship between two variables you discussed in Section 2.

You will need to use excel to do this, you must also use a filter to select a sample based on your student number (refer to preparation quizzes to find out how to do this)

*You will also need to perform at least one hypothesis test

Note that if you do a bivariate analysis there are 3 possible cases

Case 1: Two categorical variables

Give a two-way table, also give a chart that compares the proportions of the different groups.

Perform the chi square test of independence

Case 2: One categorical and one numerical variable

Give a table that compares the means and standard deviations of each group. Also, give a chart that shows the distribution of each variable.

Perform the two sample t test, If there are more than 2 categories just use the two most common categories.

Case 3: Two numerical variables

Give a scatterplot that shows the relationship between both variables. Also, find the mean and standard deviation for each of the variables.

For the Hypothesis Test that the slope is different to 0, If you are not sure how to do this you can replace one or both of your variables with a categorical variable and then a suitable analysis.

In all cases give suitable comments and make sure you include the sample size in your output.

Section 4. Managerial advice

Make a proposed changed based on your review of academic sources and bivariate analysis

Section 5. Analyze the survey data related to the proposed change in Section 4

Using the Proposed change data and filter that selects a sample based on your student number (refer to the preparation quizzes to see how to do this) find a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of customers that support the proposed change and test the claim the proportion of customers that support the change is above 50%

Section 6.Conclusion

Give a conclusion to Sections 2 - 5

Section 7

Reference list

4 Report Format

Choose one of the following formats:

- Times New Roman, 12pt

- Calibri, 11pt

- Arial, 10pt

1500 words + or - 10%

Referencing - Use Harvard referencing

Customer survey data -


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Dissertation: Give a scatterplot that shows the relationship between
Reference No:- TGS02157715

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