
Give a plot synopsis name leading characters and major


Singing in the Rain (1952)             Dr. Zhivago (1965)
On the Waterfront (1954)              The Graduate (1967)
Rebel Without a Cause (1955)       2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

French Connection (1971)             Raging Bull (1980)
The Godfather (1972)                   Gandhi (1982)
Annie Hall (1977)                         Platoon (1986)

Forrest Gump (1994)                     Moulin Rouge (2001)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)           Good Night and Good Luck (2005)
American Beauty (1999)                Slum Dog Millionaire (2008)
                                                   Inglourious Basterds (2009)


1) Name of Film, Director, 2 leading actors and the name of their roles. (5 pts)

2) Give a plot synopsis. (Name leading characters and major action in half page)

3) What was the theme or underlying message? (State in 1 sentence)

4) Discuss the visual elements of the film (Discuss each element and cite 1 specific example for each in individual paragraphs.)


5) Discuss one symbol used to tell the story and what it represented?

6) What choices were made in the placement of the camera and why?

Long Shot: High Angle:
Medium shot: Eye Level:
Close-up: Low Angle:
Dolly or Crane shot:

7) Describe where sound effects, music and film editing strongly affect the mood and rhythm of the film. (Discuss each in an individual paragraph citing 1 specific example for each.

8) Critique the film using Goethe's three questions. This is an exercise in critical thinking and each question requires discussion not a one sentence statement.

Select one of the films above for your Final Critique. You may select a second one to replace a lower critique grade. The Replacement Critique is due with the Final Critique.

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