
Give a motivation of the issue and explain how you will

Question: Topic: Investigate whether financial conservative policies depend on financial distress.

Dissertations should:

1) be double spaced;

2) be no more than 12,000 words (tables, graphs, appendices, and references are included in the counting);

3) be prefaced by an abstract of about 100 words;


Introduction: give a motivation of the issue and explain how you will address the question. Give a structure of the work.

Literature Review: overview of the main contributions to the subject you are examining.

Theoretical Framework: set out the relevant economics/finance theory and state the hypotheses you will test.

Data: describe your dataset; provide the relevant descriptive statistics of the variables; identify the statistical characteristics; you may also use graphs to summarize the main features of the data.

Empirical Framework: discuss your choice of the statistical model, explain and justify the estimation method.

Results: present and interpret the results from your estimation and hypotheses testing; highlight the main conclusions; comment on whether the empirical evidence is consistent with the underlying theory; report results from robustness checks.

Conclusions: give an outline of your research work, explain what we have learned from it, discuss policy implications etc.

References: this section is extremely important. Every piece of information used during your analysis must be included: books, articles and consulted web pages as well.

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Dissertation: Give a motivation of the issue and explain how you will
Reference No:- TGS02703450

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